Who's the man

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Why? Can't say. Today I woke up and I remembered the extended conversation I had with my mother over the phone last night. I realized I think differently. I communicate well too. You may disagree. That's fine. You're free to. But that doesn't matter. After 25+ years of existence, I realized what's most important is what I think of myself. I might have digressed here a bit. So why the blog? My desire to express myself. My past year of a rather useless life much of it spent in solitude. My wish to be more productive and in the process explore myself.

I like the fact that I can keep everything in electronic format here. To share an idea I can simply share the link. But I don't know if I will. I wish to maintain perfect anonymity. I don't know if I'll share identity of the author. I want to write my heart out. I don't know too many people on earth. And I might tend to get critical of them. I don't want them to know. I just want to put everything in perspective, for myself. I want to create a snapshot of my mind at this time and place. So, many years or thousands of miles later, I can look back and know who I was.

There is also a craving for attention. It's fairly common among us ordinary folk. Some call it importance, some influence, some fame, some glamor, some honor, some recognition, I call it attention. It's the same feeling a kid has when it wants everyone around it, to appreciate its most trivial action. Yes, who knows, one day I may have a dedicated following. Expressing the truth in plain and simple words is a tried and tested formula for sure shot best seller. If published it might even be ranked next to "The Diary of Anne Frank" or Gandhiji's "My Experiments With Truth". Though I don't know if I'll have the rights to this book or if blogger.com will?

Here I go again. I just hope I continue writing. Regularly. If nothing, it'll help me in placing my past in perspective and direct me towards my future goals.


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