Who's the man

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Life is too Short and the World too Big

This piece is at the expense of sounding philosophical, but I will tone it down and continue nevertheless.

My time in the wonderful city of the modern Orient is almost over. I sit in the open and am using a free wi-fi connection. Behind me a huge mall and ahead of me are the high-rises that make this city the hub of finance in Asia-Pacific. The place is bustling with traffic (human here, vehicular 2 floors below). Never before has blogging been such a pleasure.

The past 2 months, I got to see a new industry (where jobs are highly sought after) from the inside, meet people from around the world with degrees from institutions that simply make you envy them and visit some highly interesting places (from the huge Buddha temple to skating on the ice rink).

Moving is like dying a little, you leave a little behind, but you get to start afresh. It's the "starting afresh" that makes it interesting and compels you to pack up, close/checkout and catch that flight.

Whenever I find myself being caught up in the trivial issues in life, the petty successes/failures, excitements/embarrassments etc. that I experienced the past 2 months, it helps to remember that the world is too big and life is too short to pay too much attention to things that are just ripples in a vast ocean and will soon fade away.