Who's the man

Sunday, June 27, 2010

1 billion seconds old!

Ta Da! I've almost touched the landmark!

Not a bad achievement, not a great one considering all you have to do is live, but courageously or cowardly, I've seen those moments through.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

World @ War

The figure below tells us how much of US tax payers money goes into military and related expenditure. Seems, the world has been engaged in war for a while...

The following figure shows Military spending distribution around the globe.

The following figure shows increase in Military spending distribution around the globe.

Sensing a lack of balance around the globe in military attention. Putting money where the mouth is.

Geo-politics and Macro-economics

If these mega words interest you, have a look at this presentation, prejudiced maybe, but good stats compilation! See Here.

See what The Firm has to say about world economies and international power shifts:

Be amazing to see what happens in 40 years. Also, should probably invest in India.

However, the figure doesn't suggest China/India will look like the US in the decades to follow, remember, Asian countries have very large population bases. That'll make large divisors for per-capita computation.

However, India has a pyramidal population age profile (i.e. a young crowd), US has somewhat of an inverted pyramid, while China was like India before one-couple-one-child, but over decades of birth control is fast approaching US age demographics. Citizen contribution shows in the GDP grow rates in the above plot.