Who's the man

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I can't quite concentrate all that well now. I've also found, this lack of concentration has been growing on me for a while. I can't quite read a 6-page paper in one go any more, I stop after half a page, get fidgety, visit the web, look something up, something to distract the mind, and then I try to find something to distract my mind from that, and it goes on, continuously, till I just walk away to start something else, totally new, afresh.

Attention deficit disorder. And now I've found something I can blame it on: the internet and downloaded movies/sitcoms. Yes, they are clearly out to give lil ol me a hard time. Giving information on my fingertips became like giving a kid a gun, if you don't know how to use it properly, you could end up killing yourself.

Let's consider my typical browsing patterns, I have a small set of frequently visited websites that I end up spending most of my time on - email, chat, some social networking websites, some news/blogs, pretty much it. Add downloaded media and that's many hours of staying glued to the screen. Now the restlessness: chatting while watching a movie could be classified as multitasking for a minute, but I realized later, I'm waiting for the action packed parts of the movie, and am just leaving the lull moments to play in the background. Wow. I gained all these 'abilities' subconsciously. Now I have habits of checking my email 10X the rate at which I actually receive a post! 1/2 the posts are generic, boring reads or simply asking me for or to do something, anyway. How am I supposed to concentrate on something for dedicated time under such conditions?

Need to regain some of me from the past: the time when I hadn't heard of the internet, wasn't too far off, some 10-11 years ago. That's the time when I ended up appreciating a new concept because I had nothing better to do than to think about it over and over again, till I saw it from many angles and it became more than just another idea, it became a realization.


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