Who's the man

Monday, July 16, 2007

The 8am Class

It's 7:15am. Not like it's 4:15 or anything, but considering the fact that not too long ago 10am was early to work, I think it's super early. I snooze, the alarm rings again, I snooze, a neighbor bangs my door pitying my inability to attend 1 of the 2 classes I'm required to on a weekday, I gaze up, it's already late.

A quick dash, the morning sprint when you least want to run it, and I am in my assigned seat staring at the professor, happy to be in, just in time. Some new concepts in behavioral sciences: values, attitudes, behavior, conflict/dissonance, some psycho-sociological (is this a word?) experiments and their outcomes. I periodically tune out. It's not the subject, it's just a habit. Reflect on how things have changed over the past month, 4 weeks ago I was working in a lab on the other side of the globe, I sold all my possessions, packed a few suitcases and crossed the proverbial 7 seas. Now it's back to basics, lectures, tutorials, reference books, assignments, quizes, exams, CGPA, CV, a job. I mentally scroll my to-do list. One entry: Better work on that CV thing, goto get every ounce of documented goodness into it, and I can't copy my neighbor's because apparently we're supposed to verify everything! I tune in again: some amusing insight about behaviors among Indian engineers. I concur, the stereo-type holds. I tune out again. So repeats the process. Learning is always fun, just that I can't seem to take in more than small doses at a time.

Saved by the bell, well no, actually by the hour and minute hand of the wall clock in class. I stroll back to my hostel. At least I get to have breakfast this morning. Some good did come out of getting up.

And so the days pass by. My dreams of becoming the dashing, ever so popular, rich, smart, witty, energetic hunk that ever walked the streets, slowly slips by. I am exhausted by all the day dreaming and eating. I need to rest before I repeat the process, just that food comes before class this time.


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