Who's the man

Monday, December 17, 2007

Combing Hair

I adore my hair in front of the mirror a few times everyday. Not too long, usually a couple minutes at most, comb it to bring some order, check it out from a couple angles, make sure no matter which angles the ladies catch me, Cupid's arrows fly ;). I've ceased experimenting with different styles, you work with what you got, and I don't really have that much. Besides, the hair gel, spray or oil debate and the part in the middle or on the side or somewhere in between debates, don't have any real winners and I just choose whichever comes naturally at the moment now. But the comb is not a true a friend. Every stroke, and it takes some precious strands away. Hair, I love you, don't leave me you heartless devil. When I can count the strands, its like depreciation, you don't really care because it's bound to happen, but when I can't seem to value the loss, that's when it hurts the most.

That's life. Die a little everyday. I lose a day (time I could've spent doing anything on earth, but didn't), some strands of hair, some gray cells too, who knows what else. Beauty is fading, for all the similarities I have with the Khans or the Kapoors, I guess I can't really count on it forever. Something tells me Yoga or T'ai Chi have probably discovered ways to channel the energy in ways that keep the body younger longer and are probably worth the try, much more than the hair regrowth creams and transplant operations that the cosmetics/healthcare companies are promoting these days. Either way, "Hair, pls stay, long enough to get me married, at least?".


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