Who's the man

Monday, September 03, 2007

The IITs and the IIMs

I recently came across two rather contradictory versions of their origin from people who both claim expertise in contemporary Indian history.

The first version goes like this. Back in the 1950s-60s, India was falling short of it's domestic demand for food-grain. And either, India was also not in a position to pay in foreign exchange (US dollars) for the imports or the US did not want to accept cash for exporting its surplus food supplies; but whatever payments that India made were channelled back into the country via the Ford Foundation. The Foundation set up these "centers for excellence" (the IITs, the IIMs, colleges in DU...) to find and train local talent who would later find roles in US industry and fuel development there.

The other, more popular version, is that with the establishment of public sector units, especially heavy industry, the Nehru-led Indian Government needed skilled talent to fill the ranks to manage and run these pillars of Indian economy.

The truth behind the origin of these schools might be somewhere in between, but inspite of their limited resources these institutes have made great contributions. The graduates of today are basking in the reflected glory that the alumni have earned.


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