Who's the man

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Drama King

I did it again. Inadvertently, every 3-4 years or so, I manage to create such hype about something that it blows completely out of proportion for a few hours or days, and when the airs finally clear up (the facts appear), I find myself in the middle of, let's say euphemistically, an embarrassment. Think withdrawn electoral candidate leading up to a day of the sop-box making a hue-n-cry over a theft alarm, the student council taking up the matter with the administration, a jeep load of cops arriving, and clumsy old me finding my 'stolen' wallet in front of 15 onlookers. Fiasco ultimatum. Just the moment when you wish tele-portation had been invented and there was civilization on the moon.

Now let me recall the incidents in finer detail, when the student council president banged the administration, I was all fired up. I had withdrawn from the polls because of the emotional drain I felt leading up to d-day, but this executive member fired me up. The way he handled the situation, I figured if I can become even half as good as he is in an year, it'll be worth the job. So I worked over an emotional speech that I was ready to deliver this evening to an audience of a couple hundreds, relating the realization I just had and how my calling in life is to lead those who have faith in me and work the system to greater heights. Soon the cops arrived. The FIR register pulled out, and as I related the incident, the cop suggested I continue searching my room for that one stolen wallet. I was confident in my previous searches, but just to display cooperation, played his tune. And there it was, my missing baby. Where it came from I don't know, but it was there, hidden in a corner, and I picked it up in the most ashamed and sorry look I've had to make in 3-4 years (since the last time I did something similar). My fiery speech suddenly completely eluded me. And forget the sop-box, now I was looking for hiding-spots.

Let me put it this way. I have a very unique and personal way to make a difference. Drama. People join clubs and have to be taught the arts of composing and enacting theater. To me, on the other hand, it comes naturally. My dramas are real (read with smiley). And they shake the system, albeit only for a short while, though somewhere deep down, the undercurrents are altered. Sorry to those who were considered with suspicion.

This was an experiment to measure the length of public short term memory: how long does it take to relegate this from the-latest-drama-on-campus, to something they'd remember when they're recalling funnies from history.


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