Who's the man

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Being the Change Agent

I'm currently residing in a special nation-state in India. This place has 2 significant influences that mark general psyche, the British legacy (coconuts: Brits from inside, brown Desis from outside) and Communism (those who invoke bits of Marxism that seem convenient). Throw in a bit of Mamta Banerjee for nuisance value and there you have it, a perfect concoction of glorious history, suppressed present, and I won't try to forecast the future.

"Change Agent" is a term I picked up from an acheived corporate professional in a college event. Wanting to be a change agent is a big responsiblity and yet the term has humility attached to it. You wish only to be an agent, of time, or fate, or the system, or the Gods etc. to bring about the change desired in the state of affairs. However, the nature of the desired change itself is colossal, like transforming this nation-state into a progressive, forward-looking, technology seeking, entrepreneurial spirited, hard-working set of citizens. That turns out to be an ultimate job. A scientist who can base his/her research work on it's impact on the real world and not appeasement of the investors, a businessman who can choose work on similar lines and not on how much control/ownership he/she will have on limited set of assets or a politician, like Obama, who can base his/her work in prayer, policy and understanding diverse problems, their histories and interconnects and determining long term macro level solutions that'll most easily lead to simultaneous well-being of all stakeholders is someone who has truly taken up the role of a Change Agent.


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