Who's the man

Monday, July 30, 2007

To the Unsung Heroes of Mother Earth

I've been frequenting the library the past couple weeks just to learn enough to save face in the upcoming tests. We have to leave our bags at the reception and collect it while we leave. Last night, when I was leaving the library after some study and a lot of napping, one of the staff members who mans the reception late at night said something to the effect "We have 2 years to know each other and become friends". The warmth touched a cord. Till then, I just kept communication limited to the common courtesies, just so I can approach them in the future when and if I ever I need anything. Now, this kind old man extended a hand of friendship. I'm embarassed to say I actually did a quick economic benefit analysis before my emotional self took over and respectfully accepted the offer and reciprocated by striking a conversation.

To have a meaningful conversation, I'm quite sure now, you have to look beyond labels. In the next 30 minutes, I got a window into how life at my B-school was 35 years ago. This staff member was a butler in the men's dormitory. The student strength back then was less than a third of what it is today, the staff treated the students like family, the students, who were a lot less busy then, reciprocated by involving the staff in sports and cultural activities. Today, thanks to capitalism and globalization, every one is more independent and he or she has his or her own agenda, hence relationships are rather loosely cohesive bonds compared to the past.

These staff members are our unsung heroes. The receptionist, whose name I haven't yet cared to know or remember, but who is serving me today and has served 1000s like me in the past 40 years, is one of them. While I dream of taking over the world, I'll climb over many shoulders and step on many feet. His is one of them, but something tells me, he won't mind, he'll be happy seeing me rise and succeed, while he continues serving the next lots of wannabe managers. In his magnanimity, he has shown that he and his fellows are indeed greater than what I ever dream to be.


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