Who's the man

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Down Memory Lane: Hollywood Blvd and Rodeo Dr.

I went for my last walk down the "Walk of Fame" and Rodeo Dr. a month and a half ago. Behind the thick glass windows or the thick doors on either side of these streets are worlds of fantasy that I used to run to stand in front of, just to escape reality for a while, and catch a glimpse of the dreams these places represented. The colors, the lights, the faces and figures, the designerwear and the displays, the flashy signs, the stars on sidewalk and the Hollywood it's symbolic of, the glamor and the dreams it all sells, I was and still am caught up in the entire web. I should've joined the ranks of the wannabes there, could've always claimed to be writing a script for the next big blockbuster, instead I just stood and watched quietly, from a distance, hoping and waiting that someday a sugar mama, blinded by my aura, would take me on a twirl around wonderland ;)


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