Who's the man

Monday, January 07, 2008

An Attempt At Fiction - Harry Potter Style

Harry and Hermione were at Ron's place for their summer vacations this year. In a matter of a couple weeks, Hogwartz seemed like a distant past with the warm and sunny days spent bicycling in the neighborhood, watching tv, feasting on ice-cream and candy, swimming, and visits to the near by public library. Hermione was trying to figure how well astrology, of the muggle world, actually worked and forced the boys to the library along with her, the boys, on the other hand, really wanted to have little to do with books.

This morning the 3 had planned to bicycle to the lake to watch the local toy steam-boat racing competition. Hermione was up early, and chanced upon the newspaper which seemed mysteriously open and folded as if to accentuate a certain line. The daily horoscope under Leo read 'Kids, beware of buses gone haywire!'. 'Funny', she thought, 'not the sort of lines you usually read in muggle newspapers, and btw isn't Harry a Leo?'. 'Oh, well', she continued, 'don't want to be late for the event because the boys never get up on time', and she went upstairs to wake Ron, Harry and Ron's mother, it was Saturday and she didn't seem to be in a hurry to get up either!

Off they were, cycling down the thin and winding ways to the lake. Hermione led the way. She wanted front row seats to all the action that this sleepy town was about to get at least for the next couple weeks. She caught a blind turn and all of a sudden saw a bus heading right towards her. The newspaper flashed by her once again, and she yelled, "bus gone crazy!", and went off the road and crashed straight into a tree. Ron and Harry were close after her and heard her cry and followed suit but were able to get off the street and control their rides to escape any accident. Harry rushed to Hermione. She was bruised, but ok, he sensed she just saved her life. You could sense Hermione wasn't in pain after the accident, she was happy to see Harry unscratched and took his support to stand, and limped to Harry's cycle. The trio head home, this time slow and careful, they didn't want a repeat of what just happened. They decided to stay in the next few days.

Ron got up first on lazy Sunday. No one seemed to be in a hurry, but he wanted to play on the Xbox 360, alone, without his elder brothers shooing him away. He ran downstairs, only to find a colorful candy box at the door. "It must have just fit the mail flap", he thought and picked it up. It read, "A weeks supply of candies! Don't buy any outside." "Interesting!", he thought, unwrapped the box, picked out 1 of the dozens of flavors inside, and threw it at the dog. The dog, chewed and salivated and chewed and salivated and salivated. Yup, the candy was good, and his dog is still alive. Ron hid the candy and pulled out the Xbox and was lost in no time, playing halo 3. Slowly, the family members came down, and finally everyone sat for a late breakfast. Everyone, except Ron, his brothers were going to steal the console from him after they were up from the dining table, so he only had 20 minutes of play left. Little could Ron hear, but there were at his door 3 muggle girl-scouts on a fund raising drive selling candy. Hermione answered the door, digged deep in her pockets and bought all the candy she could from the money she had. She announced her loot after closing the door, "See what I bought, candy, and it looks delicious!". Something tickled in Ron's head, he threw away the game console and ran to Hermione and before she could make out, knocked off the entire stack from her hands, even the one she was ready to munch on. Ron's dog rushed by and caught the open candy between his teeth, and chewed and salivated and chewed and fell hard on the floor. Everyone was aghast. Ron's parent's picked the dog up, dashed for their garage, and rushed the dog straight to the vet. Hermione wasn't angry at Ron anymore, there was gratitude in her eyes, and relief in Ron's. Before she could ask, "How did you know?!", Ron pulled out the candy box he found this morning. Hermione related yesterday's newspaper incident. Seems the trio was in trouble and an angel was saving them each time.

Tonight they needed to know more, they decided to bring their sleeping bags down into the living room, and stay awake as long as they could to find out who this angel was and why it was saving them. Night fell, they camped close to each other, right under the windows that faced west. Ron tried hard, but couldn't stay up too long. Harry was up. He looked slightly worried. Hermione was staring at Harry. 'He looked adorable when he was anxious', she thought. An hour passed, dark and mostly silent, the 2 couldn't risk missing the cue they were up to catch. 2 hours and they were feeling drowsier by the moment. 2 and a half hours, and the clock struck midnight. All of a sudden, Hermione could sense the window east facing being opened from the outside. Harry woke Ron up and the trio hid behind the sofa and watched as the window slid up and a girl about their age slipped in with a bunch of flowers. As the three peeked from the side, they could barely make out the facial contours. 'She looked so much like Harry!', Ron thought. She kept the flowers on the center table and head back for the window, but before she could climb out, the 3 pranced on her. They picked her up and held her tight. Hermione asked, "Who are you and why are you here? Did you drop the newspaper and the candy box before?". The girl smiled, "I'm Sally and guys, you're quite the detectives! Yup, I dropped the newspaper and the candy box before. I'm Voldemort's captive. He's planned those murderous attempts the past 2 times. Voldemort feels he failed twice because he's weak. Little does he know, I thwarted his plans. I have to return before he finds out what I've been upto, or else he'll kill me. We're leaving for Hogwartz tomorrow morning so Voldemort can invigorate himself". Her eyes sparkled as she saw Harry. "Harry, I'm so happy to see you today! Guys, pls let me go, I won't be coming back again". Hermione and Harry let her go. Ron was reluctant, there was something about her similarity with Harry that made Ron just fall in love with her. "Bye, guys, and take care!", and she hurried out into the night.

'Sally's face looked so much like his mother's!', Harry thought as he picked up the flowers Sally left on the table. There was a card inside which read, "Harry, be careful. I hope to see you soon. As soon as you finish Voldemort. Your loving sister, Sally Potter." A tear rolled down Harry's cheek as he realized there was a secret about his family that nobody told him, probably because she was kidnapped by his parent's murderer. As he wiped his tear, he figured out what he was born to do.


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